Joe Foss Camp

Heroes of '76

The Heroes of ’76 is an affiliate auxiliary organization of National Sojourners, Inc., which functions under the authority of, and in accordance with, ARTICLE 15 of the By-Laws of National Sojourners, Inc. It is composed of National Sojourners who have, in recognition of exemplary service to National Sojourners, Inc., Freemasonry, or our National Government, received this inspiring patriotic Degree. Each Camp of Heroes is subordinate to and dependent upon one or more Chapters of National Sojourners, Inc., which shall be responsible for it proper functioning.

2023-2024 Defeated Creek Camp Officers


Louie G. Blocker

Chief of Staff

Carson W. Chessor

Assistant Chief of Staff

John W. Wilson


Tracy S. Batts

Officer of the Day

John M. Donovan

Commander of the Guard

