National Sojourners Chapters are the principal means by which the order accomplishes our mission to achieve our vision. The chapter, then, is the tip of the spear, the basic organization that brings new members into the Order while presenting our programs to our brethren and the public at large.
The organization pursues its aims by assisting local Masonic authorities through initiatives which promote American patriotism and Americanism, with the fraternity, veteran organizations and the community. These include: Flag Programs, Youth Leadership Programs, essay contests, educational programs such as Flag History and Folding, Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge and involvement in ROTC and JROTC awards.
Heroes of ’76 Camps, are composed of selected, worthy members of National Sojourners who have been recognized for outstanding service to the fraternity. Heroes of ’76 Camps (named after prominent American heroes and battles) have been organized in nearly all of the Chapters.
Heroes of ’76 members, attired in colorful Revolutionary War uniforms, provide “Toast To The Flag”, “Building The Flag”, “Historic Flags”, “Service Flags”, “Candlelight Memorial Services”, flag donations, flag raisings and numerous other patriotic programs for the benefit of Masonic and community gatherings.
These Heroes of ’76 Camps form an enjoyable part of the Chapter activities and provide colorful patriotic groups for Masonic and community programs
Americanism is one of the major reasons for the very existence of National Sojourners, Incorporated. Our activities are directed toward both adults and youth of our nation. Our national leadership, Chapters and individual Sojourners must make maximum efforts to ensure continuing growth in patriotism and faith in our country’s future. It is no accident that our national slogan is “Proudly serving the Cause of Patriotism”.